Different stages of arthritis may occur at various stages of life, some are genetically induced, and some are affected by diet. Next, we will introduce how to deal with all types of arthritis.

How is arthritis caused?

The joint is the connecting area of ​​the two bones of the human body, which is in charge of the human body's movement behavior (such as bending the knees and making a fist). Among the joints responsible for exercise, most of the joints are called "articular capsules" and look like a wrapper covering two bones, with cartilage and synovial fluid. The cartilage provides cushioning for the two bone connections. And the synovial fluid is like a lubricating fluid, which makes the bone movement smooth.

If the cartilage is excessively worn for various reasons, or if the synovial fluid secretion is abnormal, arthritis symptoms such as pain, swelling, fever, and stiffness may occur.
There are many types of arthritis, and although many types of symptoms are similar, the causes behind them vary.

4 major types of common arthritis

Degenerative arthritis

Degenerative arthritis is a very common disease in Taiwan, where the population ages rapidly. As age increases, the synovial fluid in the joint capsule will gradually decrease. At this time, the cartilage will gradually wear out due to lack of lubrication and cushioning, resulting in joints. Atrophy or spur formation.

What are the risk factors?

Middle-aged and elderly people over 40-50 years old are a good group of degenerative arthritis, especially those older than 65 years old have a prevalence rate of more than 50%. Among them, women are more likely to be sick than men (approximately 2:1 ratio). At present, they can only control the disease through drugs. In severe cases, they even have to undergo joint replacement surgery.Treatment and prevention of degenerative arthritis

This disease does not necessarily only lock the elderly, if the work will overuse the joints (such as playing computer for a long time, carrying heavy loads, etc.), obesity (which brings greater pressure on the joints), joints have old injuries, genetic factors, Or congenital joint structure abnormalities, as well as the possibility of illness.
  • age
  • female
  • obesity
  • Career
  • Foreign business
  • gene

Good position

In contrast to rheumatoid arthritis, such arthritis has a greater range of effects, most often on the knees, hips, waist, neck, fingers, etc., except for morning stiffness (less than half an hour). Swelling, pain, or inconvenience of movement are signs of degenerative arthritis. In severe cases, the patient's joints may even deform.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease. At present, it can only be inferred that genes, hormones, smoking, and the environment (such as marble cutting plants, the body is prone to long-term exposure to cerium oxide dust) and other factors are easy to cause diseases, but really The cause of the disease remains unclear.
Due to the abnormality of the patient's autoimmune system, the immune cells and antibodies produce an inflammatory reaction due to attacking the joint, and the inflammatory reaction causes joint tissue to proliferate, thereby destroying the joint structure.
In Taiwan, about 100,000 patients (about 0.4% prevalence) are deeply affected by rheumatoid arthritis. The ratio of male to female is 1:3, and 30 to 50 years old is good.

Good position

Most of them are in small joints of the extremities (such as fingers, wrists, toes, etc.), and the site of the disease is often symmetrical, which means that if the right-hand finger has symptoms, the left-hand finger will also develop the disease.

Common symptoms

In addition to joint swelling and pain, the initial symptoms may also cause morning joint stiffness (at least one hour), burnout, loss of appetite, weakness, etc.; if the condition is aggravated, the bones and cartilage are excessively damaged, which may lead to joint stiffness, deformation, or even failure. activity.
Not only visible physiological changes, rheumatoid arthritis can affect the patient's psychological state, causing anxiety, depression, depression and other conditions.

Beware of complications

It is worth noting that the cells of the inflamed tissue will flow with the blood, causing inflammation in other organs (such as pericarditis, myocarditis, keratitis, etc.). If the patient dies due to rheumatoid arthritis, more than 50% of the patients die. Because of heart disease, in addition to the above-mentioned heart disease, the patient's platelets are more prone to rupture, causing diseases such as myocardial infarction.

Gouty arthritis

Gout is more common in men (9:1 for men and women), especially for obesity, drinking, eating seafood or meat, and other high-risk groups.
If the amount of uric acid in the body is too high (the blood uric acid value is greater than 7.0 mg/dL on a fasting day), or the body's ability to metabolize uric acid is abnormal, excess uric acid will deposit in the body to form crystals, and the deposited crystals may cause swelling of the joints. Even destroy the joints. In addition, if uric acid crystals accumulate in the urinary system, uric acid stones may also form, affecting kidney function.

Good position

The first episode of the patient often feels that the first knuckle of the thumb of the foot has severe pain, redness, and fever, and the onset time is mostly midnight or early morning. This stage is called "acute gouty arthritis."

Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing arthritis differs from other types and occurs more frequently in groups of 20-40 years old, especially men who are more susceptible than women (2:1 for men and women).
Ankylosing spondylitis is currently speculated to be associated with genetic (eg, HLA-B27) or bacterial infections. Once the disease is present, the patient's spine will gradually adhere to each other (the ossification of the intervertebral disc), and over time, the spine will become stiff and lose its elasticity.

Attack location

At first, the patient feels pain or stiffness in the waist and hips at night so the pain can be relieved by action, but the symptoms may last for more than three months.
Pain and stiffness sometimes spread to the upper back, chest, heel or neck. In severe cases, the curvature of the patient's bending will be limited, and the phenomenon of hunchback will become more and more obvious.
In addition, ankylosing spondylitis can affect other organs, such as the eye (iritis), heart (heart valves), and other symptoms such as fatigue and weakness.

Often mistaken for sports injuries

Because the initial symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are similar to the common backache and are more likely to occur in younger ethnic groups, they are easily mistaken for ordinary sports injuries. If you have any of the above symptoms or have a history in your family, don't neglect them. Seek medical attention as soon as possible


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