Causes of finger joint pain

1. Osteoarthritis is caused by tissue degeneration and accumulated strain and is one of the most common joint lesions. Osteoarthritis is associated with the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints of the hand, the knee, elbow and shoulder joints, and the spinal joints are easily affected, while the wrist and ankle joints are less common.

The disease is more common in obese overweight middle-aged and elderly people. The most common sites are knees, fingers, neck, lumbar vertebrae, etc. The symptoms are mainly joint pain and stiffness (the pain will be relieved after slight activity), and the joints may appear in severe cases. Swelling, muscle atrophy, etc.
2, finger joint pain, swelling, bone growth in the joint (bone spur). It occurs mostly at the knuckles at the end of the finger, and can also occur in the joint between the fingers. Proliferative arthritis is generally older, and more often occurs in one or more fingers over 40 years of age, with the involvement of other fingers. The diseased joint can be red and swollen and painful. Joint stiffness in the morning is more common and can be heavier, but the duration is shorter less than 20 minutes. X-ray examination showed bone hyperplasia.
3, rheumatoid arthritis is also one of the causes of finger joint pain, often the proximal knuckles of the finger are involved, there is morning stiffness (the morning finger is stiff, difficult to make a fist), often the proximal knuckles of the finger are involved, generally It is characterized by multiple joint pains, often symmetry, and migration. 

The harm of finger joint pain

Finger joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis is a factor that cannot be ignored. It is a common disease and frequently-occurring disease in life. It is a kind of autoimmune disease, mainly caused by joint diseases, causing hands, wrists and feet. Such as multi-joint pain, swelling, early joint redness and heat pain and dysfunction, late joints can appear varying degrees of stiff deformity, accompanied by bone and skeletal muscle atrophy, easily disabling. Here are the types of arthritis

How to relieve and get rid of Arthritis finger joint pain

The best treatment for osteoarthritis is TCM external paste therapy, such as Miaofang Tongyu paste. The therapeutic advantage is that it can be targeted, the drug effect can reach the disease quickly, it can cure osteoarthritis, and it is safe and reliable. Any toxic side effects, easy to use, very suitable for patients.
The treatment of finger joint pain remedies (the remedies must be used in certain adaptation groups):
1, live by active soup Guizhi, white peony, Zhimu, cooked slices, safflower, saponin, dog ridge, windproof 10 grams each, raw ground, earth dragon, bone broken each 20 grams, raw jaundice, mulberry parasitic 15 grams each. 1 dose per day, Shuijianbi. Live through the active.
Indications for arthritis. See the muscles and joints pain swelling, local contact with fever, but consciously chills, or touch it is not hot, or conscious fever, body heat or heat is not obvious, red tongue, yellowish white or yellow or white or little moss, thin pulse Or a breakdown.
15 grams of frankincense and myrrh, 12 grams of Chuanwu, 20 grams of earthworms , 10 grams of peach kernels and medlar, 30 grams of Qingfeng vine, coix seed and habitat. Shuijianbi, 1 day. 3 months is a course of treatment. Silt and collaterals, dampness and phlegm.
Indications for arthritis. Wet heat block type, add anti-self, Atractylodes 10 grams each, Forsythia each 20 grams, 30 grams of gold and silver vine; cold and hot miscellaneous type, add Guizhi 10 grams, 15 grams of white peony, 12 grams of Zhimu, 30 grams of raw jaundice, Attached tablets 20; liver and kidney loss type, Jiachuan continued, mulberry parasitic, dog ridge, attached tablets each 15 grams, 10 grams of broken bones, 12 grams of white peony.

How to prevent finger joint pain
1.      pay attention to joint warmth
When the temperature is lowered, it is necessary to add clothes in time to prevent the knee joint from getting cold. In addition, try not to touch cold water, and wash it with warm water. If you have arthritis, you can wear knee pads to prevent recurrence.
  2.      often exercise joints
Finger Bend: Bend your finger, use your other hand to bring your fingertips as close as possible to the palm of your hand, then push the entire curved finger down toward the palm of your hand to extend the dorsal side of the finger joint.
Finger Strengthening: Place your hand flat on the table, move your finger in the direction of your thumb, and use your other hand to pull your finger in the opposite direction. This enhances the strength of the finger muscles.


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