Degenerative arthritis is the most common type of joint disease in humans. It is directly related to ageing. The main lesion is the joint surface of two bones, the so-called articular cartilage. Through the observation of X-rays, degenerative arthritis can be seen that the cartilage is damaged and worn, the surface of the joint is uneven, the joint cavity is narrowed, and the bone spur is produced. The main symptoms of degenerative arthritis are pain, stiffness, swelling and deformation, and abnormal frictional sounds are often heard when moving joints.

Due to the longevity of modern people, it is almost inevitable that degenerative arthritis will occur throughout their lives. How to reduce or cure degenerative arthritis and enjoy a normal life and exercise is an important issue. Maintaining the health of articular cartilage and repairing injured cartilage in time is the only way to avoid degenerative arthritis. Healthy cartilage requires three things: first, as moisturizing and nourishing water. Second, Proteoglycan that absorbs and retains moisture. Third, the immobilized proteoglycan is "collagen" in a suitable good position.

Due to the aging process of the body, it is impossible to produce enough proteoglycans and gelatin to maintain a healthy cartilage structure. The aging joints are becoming less and less elastic, and the wear of the articular cartilage cannot be avoided, especially when the joints that have been injured are more serious. For a long time, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as "aspirin" or "Pu Na pain" has become the most common choice for doctors to treat degenerative arthritis. These drugs are used to prevent pain and inflammation in the body. The so-called "prostaglandin" endocrine, but the prostate has many other important functions, playing an important role in regulating blood pressure, blood coagulation, renal function regulation, and gastric acid secretion. Any interference with prostaglandin secretion will hinder these bodies. Protective effects. Although it is helpful to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for short-term pain relief and inflammation, it suppresses pain and often masks the signs of arthritis, but neglects the disease. And there is increasing evidence that these non-steroidal drugs may inhibit the synthesis of proteoglycans, so that not only does it not alleviate the development of osteoarthritis, it may actually accelerate its deterioration.
Types Of Arthritis

Doctors in Europe have been successful in using glucosamine for many years in patients with degenerative arthritis. Glucosamine stimulates chondrocytes to produce more gelatin and proteoglycans. Normalization of the metabolism of articular cartilage helps prevent cartilage wear and damage, and repairs damaged cartilage. As we get older and the articular cartilage function is deteriorating, supplementing enough glucosamine is one of the best ways to prevent degenerative arthritis. In addition, there is a joint maintenance agent directly injected into the degenerated joint, the so-called "sodium hyaluronate". It is refined from fresh cockscombs. It has high water retention, viscoelasticity, and lubrication. It has an affinity for articular cartilage. It can cover the cartilage surface to protect cartilage and prevent wear and degradation. It can also inhibit the inflammatory reaction, improve joint contracture and increase joint activity by its characteristics. degree. This joint injection is a "steroid preparation" that has been abused for a long time, and there is no complication of bone necrosis, muscle degeneration, and tendon rupture caused by steroid use. Some people like this sodium hyaluronate is the "olein lubricant" of articular cartilage, which not only makes the joint surface more smooth, but also promotes the normalization of pathological joint fluid, relieves the symptoms of joint aging, and eliminates the fate of replacing artificial joints! In addition to drugs, the best prescription for treating degenerative arthritis is "sports." For a long time, people have misunderstood that excessive exercise can cause joint wear and lead to osteoarthritis and oppose exercise, but studies have shown that even vigorous exercise does not turn normal joints into arthritis.
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 Exercise can increase the movement of the synovial fluid in the cartilage, and strengthen the structure of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the joints, and help the joints withstand the weight and support the body. Regular exercise can increase the density of bones, enhance immunity, and make your heart beat stronger, strengthen the heart circulatory system, and promote the body's agile balance and soft tolerance. . So how to design your exercise plan, integrate exercise into your daily life, and seize any short time to exercise is an important topic in preventing degenerative arthritis.


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